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Cosmetology Schools - Not Just For Women Anymore

5:56:00 م
Cosmetology Schools - Not Just For Women Anymore Unknown 5 of 5
Cosmetology schools are becoming more and more popular: beauty is always a popular industry. I was surprised however when I saw several y...
Cosmetology schools are becoming more and more popular: beauty is always a popular industry. I was surprised however when I saw several younger men signing up for the courses, I was initially rather shocked. After I thought about it however, I realized that this really shouldn't be such a surprise. In today's society, more and more men are concerned with beauty and beauty related material. It would not surprise me if eventually, beauty schools had equal ratios of men and women attending.
It isn't just in the hair styling courses which the cosmetology schools have to offer, but they are beginning to enter the electrolysis courses as well. I remember the days when I was younger that if a man didn't have any body hair that they wouldn't be considered a man. Now look today: men with hairless chests are considered very sexy. Times are constantly changing: men and women alike don't like too much body hair anymore.
The male students aren't in it just to meet women either: they are all very passionate about what they study. While we see today that many men in fashion are top designers, we now can see many men leading the cosmetic industries as well. Just 15 years ago, to find male exclusive cosmetic lines was uncommon. Look now and you see them in many major cosmetic shops such as Sephora.
So while it may still be mostly female, eventually cosmetology schools will have an almost equal ratio of male to female students. Times are changing, and I guess I am starting to get old.
Cosmetology schools are great for both men and women who wish to learn the art of beauty.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4508776

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